Home Plan - [VSCFA-L2-U24-LC1-3 Live in 2030]


The document includes a lesson on technology and its impact on the future, with role play conversations, vocabulary exercises, and discussion questions. It emphasizes the development of technology, the potential benefits and drawbacks, and the importance of using technology wisely. It also suggests an additional activity if the class finishes early.
  • Pages 1—36: Discussing technology’s impact
  • Page 37—37: Additional activities slide.

Pages 1—36: Discussing technology’s impact

This section of the document is about a lesson or activity focused on discussing technology and its impact on the future. The section includes role play conversations, vocabulary exercises, and discussion questions. Some important details mentioned include the development of technology, the potential benefits and drawbacks of technology, and the need to use technology wisely.

Page 37—37: Additional activities slide.

This section of the document provides a note that suggests using a particular slide for additional activities if the class content is finished early.


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