Home Plan - [VSCFA-L2-U10-LC1-2 Extreme Sports B]
The document provides information about extreme sports, including parkour, canyoning, and rock climbing, such as the activities involved, required equipment, and popular locations. It also offers conversation tips and feedback for the speaker’s performance in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. The section concludes with prompts for discussion on various topics related to extreme sports.
- Pages 1—32: Introduction to Extreme Sports
- Pages 33—37: Feedback and practice.
Pages 1—32: Introduction to Extreme Sports
This section of the document introduces the topic of extreme sports and provides some tips for engaging in conversation about them. The specific extreme sports mentioned are parkour, canyoning, and rock climbing. The section includes information about the activities involved in each sport, the equipment needed, and some examples of popular locations or places to participate. There are also suggestions for conversation topics and questions to ask about the sports.
Pages 33—37: Feedback and practice.
This section of the document provides feedback tips for the speaker’s performance in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. It suggests practicing a specific activity and lists popular ways to do it. There is also mention of the speaker’s favorite place to climb. The section includes an activity where the speaker and teacher can discuss the speaker’s performance and provide feedback on areas of improvement. The section ends with prompts for discussion about interesting extreme sports and other topics if there is time remaining in the class.