Home Plan - [VSCFA-L1-U7-LC1-1 Sweet Food Around the World]

The document is about learning and discussing different sweet foods from around the world, with a focus on brownies, tiramisu, and trifle. The first part includes lessons, activities, and vocabulary related to these desserts, while the second part provides information on their characteristics and variations. Both sections include questions and prompts for discussion.

Pages 1—33: Sweet food lessons.
Pages 34—45: Sweet foods overview
Pages 1—33: Sweet food lessons.
This section of the document is about learning and discussing sweet foods from around the world. It includes lessons on brownies, tiramisu, and trifle. The section provides learning objectives, sentence frames, and activities for students to practice speaking and understanding the vocabulary and concepts related to these sweet foods. Important details include the different kinds of tiramisu and the fact that it is traditionally made with strong coffee. There are also questions for students to discuss their preferences and opinions about these desserts.
Pages 34—45: Sweet foods overview
This section of the document discusses various sweet foods and their characteristics. It mentions three specific sweet foods: brownie, tiramisu, and trifle. It notes that brownies are popular and often contain nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate. Tiramisu is an Italian dessert with many variations. Trifles are a British dessert made of cake, fruits, and cream, and are often served in a glass bowl. The section also includes questions and prompts for discussion, as well as suggestions for additional topics of interest.


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