Home Plan - [VSCFA-L1-U14-LC1-2 Happy Thanksgiving Day]
This section of the document provides tips and guidelines for a Thanksgiving Day lesson. It suggests that the goal of the lesson is for the students to learn more vocabulary, use practical expressions and common sentence frames, broaden knowledge on the topic, have pronunciation and grammar errors addressed, and speak fluently, logically, and authentically. It introduces the learning objectives, such as talking about the date of Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day foods, and holiday activities. It also introduces vocabulary and sentence frames related to Thanksgiving Day. The section also includes role play activities where students talk about Thanksgiving Day and other holidays in November, ask questions to teachers about Thanksgiving Day, learn about Thanksgiving dishes and traditions, and discuss what they are thankful for. The section ends with a wrap up and feedback on the student’s performance in the lesson. There are also additional topics and activities suggested for further exploration.