Home Plan - [VSCFA-L1-U13-LC1-5 Yellowstone National Park]

This section of the document provides tips and goals for a lesson on Yellowstone National Park. The tips suggest that the lesson will focus on vocabulary, expressions, sentence frames, pronunciation, grammar, and speaking fluently. The goals of the lesson include talking about expectations, learning about Yellowstone National Park, discussing what to bring on a trip to a big park, and introducing role plays. The section also provides information about Yellowstone National Park, such as its location and how to get there, as well as the wildlife that can be seen, including bison, wolves, and elk. The section includes conversations and flashcards to familiarize students with the language and vocabulary related to the topic. The section also includes questions and activities for students to check their comprehension and practice speaking about the topic. The section ends with feedback and a goodbye.


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