Home Plan - [VSCFA-L1-U11-LC1-4 Sunglasses]

In this section of the document, the focus is on the topic of sunglasses. The section starts with an activity where two people, S and T, greet each other and say hello to build rapport. The goals of the lesson are then outlined, including learning vocabulary and sentence frames, broadening knowledge on the topic of sunglasses, addressing pronunciation and grammar errors, and building speaking confidence. The section then goes on to introduce different types of sunglasses, such as aviator sunglasses, rimless sunglasses, oversized sunglasses, and mirrored sunglasses. The activities include reading information about the types of sunglasses and answering questions based on the information. There are also role-playing activities where S and T have conversations about shopping for sunglasses and choosing the right sunglasses based on face shape and activities. The section ends with a wrap-up activity where S reviews what they learned in the class, and S and T can provide feedback on how S performed. The section also mentions that there are additional topics available for discussion if there is extra time.


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