Home Plan - [TP-L2-U1-LC1-14]

The document includes tips and activities for vocabulary review, reading, and listening comprehension exercises related to a story about Alvin in a talent show and information about snow leopards. There are also suggestions for a teaching activity called “Small Talk Enrichment” where students discuss pictures depicting John and Sally’s activities, with the option of proceeding to an in-class enrichment activity if time permits.
  • Pages 1—19: Vocabulary, reading, listening.
  • Pages 20—22: Picture discussion activity.

Pages 1—19: Vocabulary, reading, listening.

This section of the document contains tips for vocabulary review, reading, and listening activities. It also includes questions related to comprehension and understanding of a story about a student named Alvin participating in a talent show. In the reading section, there is information about the snow leopard living in the mountains of Central Asia. The listening activities involve identifying the name for the patella bone and understanding reflexes and inventors involved in the War of Currents.

Pages 20—22: Picture discussion activity.

The section provides tips for a teaching activity called “Small Talk Enrichment” where students discuss what happened to John and Sally based on pictures. Students are encouraged to describe the pictures using the given question. The instructor is advised to move on to the during-class enrichment part if time allows.


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