Home Plan - [NMC-L3-U6-LC2-8 The Five Senses – Smell, Taste, Touch]

This section of the document focuses on various activities and lessons to reinforce concepts related to the five senses, vocabulary, place value, adjectives, and vowel sounds. Activities involve engaging students by discussing senses like smell and taste, using charts to understand place value, practicing verbs such as “smell” and “taste,” reviewing adjectives to describe nouns, and distinguishing between short and long vowel sounds. The section also includes exercises where students read words, identify adjectives that describe pictures, and sort words based on their vowel sounds. Additionally, there are suggestions for questions to assess students’ understanding, such as asking about preferences for tastes and smells. The section also includes reminders for post-class enrichment activities and the option to review content with a teacher if extra time is available.


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