Home Plan - [NMC-L3-U11-LC1-4 Once upon a Time – Famous European Folktales]

This section of the document provides tips for teaching various lessons related to building rapport, practicing telling time on analog and digital clocks, reviewing action words, past tense verbs, and sounds like “qu-” and “tw-“. Students are encouraged to participate in activities like reciting nursery rhymes, practicing the sentence frame “What type of clock is it? It is a/an clock,” telling time on clocks, and identifying past tense verbs. The tips also include activities for students to circle the correct past tense verb, match sentences with clocks, draw clock hands, and practice spelling irregular verbs. Moreover, there are exercises where students practice sounds and respond to questions related to lesson content. The document also mentions the importance of ending the class on a positive note and suggests post-class enrichment activities for students.


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