Home Plan - [ME-L7-U6-LC5-17 Telescopes Show Us the Universe]

The document covers various topics spanning from telescopes, astronomical discoveries, and space exploration to language use and self-reflection activities. The first section describes the history and advancements in telescopes, emphasizing the significance of space telescopes and the contributions of organizations like NASA in expanding our understanding of the universe. It delves into different types of telescopes, their roles in observing celestial bodies, and the impact of technological advancements on observation. The second section focuses on homophones and adverb clauses, particularly “because” and “since,” while also highlighting the essential nature of water for survival during planetary exploration. It provides examples of adverb clause usage and includes self-reflection exercises to aid comprehension of the concepts discussed.
  • Pages 1—31: Telescopes, discovery, universe.
  • Pages 32—42: Homophones and clauses.

Pages 1—31: Telescopes, discovery, universe.

This section of the document discusses various concepts related to telescopes, discovery, and the universe. It covers the history of telescopes, advancements made by astronomers like Galileo with telescopes, the importance of space telescopes, and the significant role of organizations like NASA in space exploration. It also touches on the function and purpose of different types of telescopes used to observe celestial bodies and phenomena. There is mention of how telescopes have improved over time, the role of an atmosphere in observation, and the impact of space telescopes launched in the 20th century. The text emphasizes the continuous learning and discoveries made through space telescopes about the universe, planets, stars, and galaxies.

Pages 32—42: Homophones and clauses.

This section discusses homophones, specifically “because” and “since” as adverb clauses of cause. It also touches on the importance of water for survival on another planet during exploration. The examples provided illustrate how adverb clauses are used in sentences with conjunctions like “because” and “but”. Additionally, there is mention of self-reflection activities related to familiarization with various terms and concepts.


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