Home Plan - [ME-L7-U5-LC3-12]

The document covers a range of topics aimed at enhancing reading fluency and comprehension skills, including exercises on academic vocabulary, figurative language, and prepositional phrases. It also discusses projects involving film reviews and poetry presentations, as well as an examination of the evolution of American movies. Another section delves into comparing and contrasting various elements of language learning such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and reading comprehension through the use of Venn diagrams, and poses questions about individual preferences, ease, and challenges in language acquisition, concluding with a farewell message.
  • Pages 1—34: Reading skills exercises
  • Pages 35—40: Language learning comparison.

Pages 1—34: Reading skills exercises

The section of the document discusses various topics related to improving reading fluency and comprehension skills. It includes exercises on academic vocabulary, critical vocabulary, figurative language, prepositional phrases, idioms, and assessments. The document also mentions a project on reviewing and presenting one’s favorite film, along with feedback on a presentation related to reading a poem. It concludes with a discussion on how American movies have evolved over time.

Pages 35—40: Language learning comparison.

This section of the document appears to be focused on comparing and contrasting different elements related to language learning, such as selection criteria and personal preferences. It mentions using a Venn diagram to indicate the overlap between different factors like vocabulary, pronunciation, reading comprehension, and English writing. The text poses questions about which aspects of language learning are easy or challenging for the individual and which areas they would like to improve upon the most. The section concludes with a farewell message.


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