Home Plan - [ME-L7-U3-LC3-11 The Gold Rush – An American Dream]

The document encompasses a range of topics such as academic vocabulary, a study on learning goats, the Gold Rush, and the usage of the modal auxiliary verb “may.” It covers movements of water, the discovery of gold, and cause-and-effect relationships, while also providing exercises on multiple meaning words and project preparation. The discussions further delve into examples and usage of “may” as a modal auxiliary verb, along with questions for discussion regarding efficient information comprehension, concluding with strategies for optimizing the benefits of rereading information.
  • Pages 1—27: Academic vocabulary overview.
  • Pages 28—36: “May” usage summary

Pages 1—27: Academic vocabulary overview.

This section of the document discusses various topics related to academic vocabulary, a study on learning goats, and a review of the Gold Rush. It includes discussions on the movement of water, the discovery of gold, and cause-and-effect relationships related to these events. Additionally, there are exercises on multiple meaning words, the model auxiliary verb “may,” and preparation for a project.

Pages 28—36: “May” usage summary

This section discusses the modal auxiliary verb “may” and its usage. It provides examples of sentences using “may” as a modal auxiliary verb along with main verbs. The section also includes some questions for discussion related to understanding and using information efficiently. It ends with a brief mention of different strategies for maximizing the benefits of rereading information.


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