Home Plan - [JG3-L2-U1-LC5-25 Cultures – Traditional Tales – Balina]

The document explores the importance of storytelling, character development, and conflict resolution in passing down traditional tales. It provides strategies for enhancing storytelling skills, emphasizing the use of natural dialogues, sensory details, and actions. It includes a story about Balina, a water-loving individual, who faces challenges but maintains a positive attitude, ultimately becoming a hero by rescuing a ship during a storm. The narrative highlights Balina’s unique abilities, close bond with her family, and adventurous spirit. The document concludes by encouraging students to engage in activities that involve applying different points of view, comparing and contrasting stories, and reflecting on their learning.
  • Pages 1—16: Storytelling importance emphasized.
  • Pages 17—29: Character conversation tips
  • Pages 30—44: “Infer/Predict” strategy
  • Pages 45—57: Water-loving individual persists.
  • Pages 58—68: Balina’s hero journey.

Pages 1—16: Storytelling importance is emphasized.

This section of the document explores the importance of passing down stories over the years, particularly focusing on traditional tales. It emphasizes the strategies of inferring/predicting and understanding characters and point of view in storytelling. The content delves into the role of natural dialogues, sensory details, and actions in crafting engaging narratives, providing tips and checklists for students to enhance their storytelling skills. Additionally, it includes a segment where a frustrated player expresses his feelings about being benched during a baseball game, showcasing character development and conflict resolution in storytelling. The section encourages students to incorporate vocabulary and dialogue that reflect the characters’ age and personality to bring the narratives to life effectively.

Pages 17—29: Character conversation tips

The section of the document discusses a conversation between two characters, Omar and Brett, about maintaining a positive attitude despite challenges in sports. Brett encourages Omar to enjoy the experience regardless of playing time. Additional details are provided on revising a draft, including the addition of expressions to enhance the conversation flow naturally. The document also highlights the necessity of making changes to reflect character mood shifts and concludes with instructions on revising and proofreading written work.

Pages 30—44: “Infer/Predict” strategy

This section of the document discusses a strategy called “Infer/Predict” to help students understand selected texts. The strategy involves talking about what is seen in a picture, reading the text, and answering questions with help. It includes a story about a whale in Tampa Bay surprising residents, a girl named Balina with an unusual love for water and swimming ability, and her mysterious origin. Balina was adopted by a local family and thrived, becoming incredibly strong. She swam well and disappeared for hours, causing her parents concern. Balina loved the water so much that during winter when she couldn’t go to the beach, she swam in the bathtub. Her father was worried, and her siblings were unable to use the bath as she would occupy it for hours.

Pages 45—57: Water-loving individual persists.

Balina, a water-loving individual, was unable to go to the ocean during winter, so she spent long hours bathing in a tub instead. This caused concerns for her family, with her father worrying she would shrivel up from spending so much time in water, and her siblings being unable to use the bath themselves. Balina’s passion for water led her to work as a tugboat, where she exhibited great strength by pulling ships single-handedly. Despite her job being unusual, locals grew accustomed to it, while tourists marveled at Balina’s abilities. Tugboat owners, however, were displeased as Balina charged less for her services, impacting their business. Despite losing her job due to a law restricting humans from operating as tugboats, Balina maintained a positive attitude, finding joy in swimming with dolphins and seals and cherishing family dinners. Balina was ultimately able to win back her job by bravely rescuing a ship during a storm, demonstrating her fearlessness and willingness to help others in dangerous situations.

Pages 58—68: Balina’s hero journey.

The section of the document discusses a story told from a third-person point of view, focusing on a character named Balina. Balina becomes a hero in her town after rescuing passengers, leading to the cancellation of a law that prevented her from working. The story takes an interesting turn when Balina encounters whales and chooses to explore the world with them, periodically returning home to share her adventures. The text emphasizes the strong bond Balina has with her family. Following this story, students are encouraged to engage in activities that involve applying the point of view, comparing and contrasting stories (such as Stormalong and Balina), reflecting on what they have learned, and selecting readers to explore for further reading.


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