Home Plan - [JG3-L2-U1-LC1-4 Helping Others – Because of BookEnds]

The document discusses the importance of helping others and the impact of organizing book drives to support communities in need of books. It follows the story of Brandon, who initiated a book drive for Hollygrove organization, resulting in the creation of BookEnds, an organization dedicated to donating books to children. This initiative has been successful in providing over a million books to numerous children since 1998. The section also provides guidance for students on organizing book drives at their schools, emphasizes sorting books by reading level, and offers reflection activities to reinforce the key concepts discussed.
  • Pages 1—21: Helping others through writing.
  • Pages 22—38: Book drive initiative.

Pages 1—21: Helping others through writing.

This section of the document focuses on helping others. It includes information on how friends can help each other, learning objectives related to writing a descriptive paragraph about a best friend, essential vocabulary, comparing different books, and understanding sensory details and similes in descriptive writing. Additionally, it introduces content related to paired selections, text focus on graphs, and the importance of books in learning. The section also discusses a story about a boy named Brandon who initiates a book drive to help a community organization in need of books. There is a focus on vocabulary and comprehension of the text, highlighting Brandon’s idea of organizing a book drive to help the children’s center at Hollygrove. Various tasks and writing prompts are included to engage the readers in understanding and applying the concepts discussed.

Pages 22—38: Book drive initiative.

Brandon’s idea to hold a book drive helped Hollygrove organization by collecting 847 books for the new library. This initiative led to the creation of an organization called BookEnds, which assists in setting up book drives and donating books to children in need. Since 1998, BookEnds volunteers have donated over a million books to more than 300,000 children. Brandon remains actively involved in BookEnds even as an adult. The section also includes instructions for students on how they can organize a book drive at their school and why it is important to sort books by reading level. There is a comparison provided between the texts and a reflection activity for students at the end of the section.


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