Home Plan - [GR2-L5-U1-LC1-21 Diabetes and Me]

The document provides a comprehensive lesson on diabetes-related vocabulary and comprehension skills, with a focus on a nine-year-old girl named Mia who has type 1 diabetes. It introduces new words, activities, and insights into how Mia manages her condition through insulin, fundraising, and a healthy lifestyle. The second part offers tips and activities to engage readers with Mia’s story, discussing her daily routine, diet, activities, and the importance of medical precautions. It encourages understanding of diabetes challenges and underscores the importance of ongoing research for a cure.
  • Pages 1—25: Diabetes vocabulary lesson.
  • Pages 26—51: Engaging tips for diabetes.

Pages 1—25: Diabetes vocabulary lesson.

This section of the document provides a lesson on diabetes-related vocabulary and comprehension skills. It includes introducing new words such as blood sugar, insulin, carbohydrates, and diabetes. The lesson also covers activities to help students understand the importance of managing blood sugar levels and the effects of diabetes on the body. Additionally, it includes a text that introduces a nine-year-old girl named Mia who has type 1 diabetes and discusses how she manages her condition by taking insulin and participating in fundraising activities to find a cure. The text also highlights the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to manage diabetes effectively.

Pages 26—51: Engaging tips for diabetes.

This section of the document provides tips and activities aimed at introducing the reader to the text about a young girl named Mia who has type 1 diabetes. The tips suggest questions and answers to help readers engage with the text, such as understanding why Mia wears an insulin pump, how she manages low blood sugar, and what she does to stay healthy. The document also includes information about how Mia counts carbohydrates and maintains a healthy diet. It highlights Mia’s activities like riding a bike, roller-skating, swimming, and doing archery to stay healthy. Additionally, there are discussions about the contents of Mia’s first aid kit, the importance of her medical bracelet, and her daily routine in managing diabetes. The document encourages readers to consider the challenges faced by individuals with type 1 diabetes and emphasizes the need for continued research to find a cure for the condition.


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