Home Plan - [GR1-L4-U1-LC1-3 Summer Olympics Events]

The document provides a comprehensive guide for a guided reading lesson at Level 4, Lesson 3, focusing on sports and athletic events related to the Summer Olympic Games. Pages 1-35 cover lesson objectives, vocabulary, comprehension questions, and reading strategies for diving, track events, water sports, and gymnastics. Pages 36-43 detail a reading activity involving Goat S and their understanding of gymnastics, with post-reading activities including classifying sports, reflection on learned material, and engaging in discussions about motivation. The lesson emphasizes connecting to prior knowledge, classifying information, and understanding content words relevant to sports and the Summer Olympic Games.
  • Pages 1—35: Lesson on sports.
  • Pages 36—43: Reading gymnastics text.

Pages 1—35: Lesson on sports.

This section of the document provides tips and guidance for a guided reading lesson at Level 4, Lesson 3. It includes information on the lesson objectives, warm-up activities involving sports like diving and track events, introduction and explanation of sports-related vocabulary words, comprehension questions, reading strategies like classifying information, and practice exercises for students to engage with the text. The lesson covers various topics related to sports and athletic events such as diving, track and field events, water sports, and gymnastics. It aims to help students connect with prior knowledge, classify information, and understand content words in the context of the Summer Olympic Games.

Pages 36—43: Reading gymnastics text.

This section of the document introduces Goat S to a reading activity where they are required to read a text about men competing on rings in gymnastics. The text describes how gymnasts hold onto the rings and flip their bodies in circles. After reading, Goat S is asked a question relating to the text, to which they provide the correct answer. The document also includes tips for post-reading activities, such as classifying different sports into corresponding columns, reflecting on what was learned about water sports, gymnastics, and track-and-field events, and engaging in free talk by answering questions related to motivation in activities. The section ends with a focus question about the sports athletes compete in during the Summer Olympic Games and encourages connecting to prior knowledge, classifying information, and using content words. Note that the document includes additional activities for early completion of the lesson content.


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