Home Plan - [GR1-L4-U1-LC1-18 Is That a Fish]

The document outlines a lesson plan introducing students to various sea creatures and enhancing their understanding through vocabulary, comprehension skills, and interactive tasks. It covers the characteristics and behaviors of fish, eels, rays, seahorses, mudskippers, dolphins, and whales, emphasizing the distinction between marine mammals like dolphins and whales and fish. The lesson encourages reflection, questioning, and further activities to deepen students’ knowledge and engagement with the material.
  • Pages 1—33: Ocean creatures lesson.
  • Pages 34—35: Marine mammal differentiation

Pages 1—33: Ocean creatures lesson.

The document section discusses a lesson plan aimed at introducing students to various sea creatures like fish, eels, rays, seahorses, and mudskippers. The lesson focuses on vocabulary words and definitions, comprehension skills, reading strategies, and identifying facts about these aquatic animals. Students engage in activities such as matching pictures with words, reading sentences, answering questions, and reflecting on what they have learned. The lesson emphasizes understanding the characteristics and behaviors of different sea creatures through interactive tasks. The section concludes with a summary of the lesson objectives and encourages students to talk freely and say goodbye.

Pages 34—35: Marine mammal differentiation

This section discusses the distinction between dolphins, whales, and fish. It points out that dolphins and whales may look like fish, but they are categorized as marine mammals, not fish. Additionally, the text mentions that mammals like humans, dogs, monkeys, and lions give birth to babies and feed them with milk, contrasting them with animals that lay eggs. The content prompts a question about whether dolphins and whales, despite their appearance, should be considered fish. The note at the end suggests utilizing this information for further activities if the class concludes early.


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