Home Plan - [GR1-L3-U1-LC1-27 All Kinds of Farms]

The document presents a comprehensive guided reading lesson on farms for Level 3 students. The lessons cover various aspects of farm life, including vocabulary words and activities to help students understand them, as well as the products that come from farms. Students are encouraged to engage with the material by using reading strategies, making predictions, and categorizing information, with interactive activities to reinforce comprehension. The emphasis is on understanding what lives and grows on farms and recognizing the importance of farming in our daily lives, with additional activities to extend learning beyond the lesson.
  • Pages 1—42: Farm reading lesson.
  • Pages 43—48: Farm product overview.

Pages 1—42: Farm reading lesson.

This section of the document focuses on a guided reading lesson for Level 3, focusing on various aspects related to farms. It includes learning objectives such as using context words, making predictions, and classifying information. The section includes vocabulary words to know like chickens, cotton, cows, fruits, sheep, and sugarcane, with activities designed to help students understand these terms. Additional topics covered include what lives and grows on farms, such as milk from cows, wool from sheep, and clothing made from cotton. The lesson also involves activities like discussing farm visits, understanding new words, and linking vocabulary to pictures. The section includes the introduction of reading strategies, making predictions, and categorizing information from the text. Students are encouraged to engage with the content by answering questions about farm life, food production, and uses of farm products like sugar and wool. The lesson incorporates interactive activities to reinforce comprehension of the material and concludes with a post-reading exercise focused on understanding the content covered.

Pages 43—48: Farm product overview.

The section discusses how many everyday items come from farms, such as fruits, sugarcane, cotton, butter, and cheese. It emphasizes that many things live and grow on farms. The learning goals include being able to discuss key information by looking at prompts, talking freely about farm-related questions, and reflecting on what was learned during the lesson. Some focus words introduced include chickens, cotton, cows, fruits, and sheep. The section also prompts students to think about what lives and grows on farms and offers an extension activity related to horses.


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