Home Plan - [GR1-L3-U1-LC1-20 Squirrel Acrobats]

This section of the document, labeled as CroLevel 3 Lesson 20, focuses on introducing students to various aspects related to squirrels. It includes learning objectives such as asking and answering questions to understand text, identifying the main idea and details in a text, and introducing new words such as “acrobats,” “alert,” “balance,” “direction,” “escape,” and “squirrels.” The section also includes activities for students to engage with the text and pictures, answer questions related to squirrel behavior, vocabulary, and comparisons to acrobats, and comprehend the content of the lesson by filling in blanks with correct answers. Additionally, there are prompts for post-reading discussions, talking about key information learned, and reflecting on the lesson content. The section further includes guidance on identifying main ideas and details in the text, additional practice activities, and extension suggestions if the class content is completed early.


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