Home Plan - [GR1-L3-U1-LC1-15 Sleds]

The document outlines a guided reading lesson for Level 3 focusing on sleds, new vocabulary, and activities to improve reading comprehension. Students are engaged in discussions about sleds’ various uses and types, associating them with winter fun and helping people. Post-reading activities encourage reflection on the lesson and discussions about sleds’ role in making winter enjoyable. Additionally, the document provides insights into the actual lesson taught to students on using content words, connecting to prior knowledge, and comparing and contrasting information, with extensions offered for further learning if class content is completed early.
  • Pages 1—40: Guided reading lesson.
  • Pages 41—44: Sled lesson activities.

Pages 1—40: Guided reading lesson.

This section of the document is focused on a guided reading lesson for Level 3. It includes learning objectives such as using content words, connecting prior knowledge to the text, and comparing and contrasting. The lesson revolves around discussing sleds, introducing new vocabulary words like “bends,” “glides,” “riders,” and “track,” and engaging students in activities like looking at pictures, reading sample sentences, and answering questions based on the text. The document also features exercises where students drag key words to fill in blanks and match phrases to understand the meanings of new vocabulary words related to sleds. Discussions include the various uses of sleds for fun, sports, and work, as well as describing different types of sleds like those for carrying things or for racing down hills. The text emphasizes how sleds are associated with winter fun and helping people. The lesson encourages engaging in discussions about sleds and reflecting on how they contribute to making winter enjoyable. The final parts of the document present post-reading activities where students reflect on what they have learned about different types of sleds and discuss how sleds enhance the enjoyment of winter. Participants are also prompted to engage in a free talk session where they express their thoughts on whether sleds truly contribute to making winter fun.

Pages 41—44: Sled lesson activities.

The section of the document discusses the lesson taught during the day. Students learned how to use content words, make connections to prior knowledge, and compare and contrast information. There are words provided to know such as “bends,” “glides,” “riders,” “steer,” “track,” and “travel.” The focus question asks, “What do people use sleds for?” The activity suggests that students reflect on what they have learned during the lesson. There are tips and extensions provided for additional activities if the class content is finished early.


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