Home Plan - [GR1-L2-U1-LC1-41 Fall Foods]

The document provides a comprehensive lesson on fall foods, focusing on reading strategies and vocabulary related to produce like apples, beets, cabbages, pears, potatoes, pumpkins, and ripe. Activities include looking at pictures, answering questions, making inferences, and comparing and contrasting different foods to enhance comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. The post-reading section emphasizes reinforcing learning through activities like filling in blanks, retelling, and reflecting. It also offers additional vocabulary, a focus question, and an extension activity featuring other fall produce such as oranges, corn, kiwis, and grapes.
  • Pages 1—41: Fall foods lesson.
  • Pages 42—48: Post-reading strategies.

Pages 1—41: Fall foods lesson.

This section of the document is a guided reading lesson focusing on fall foods. It includes learning objectives such as using reading strategies, comparing and contrasting objects, and introducing new vocabulary words related to fall foods like apples, beets, cabbages, pears, potatoes, pumpkins, and ripe. The lesson includes activities where students look at pictures, read sample sentences, answer questions, and match words to images. The text also involves reading passages about different types of ripe foods in the fall like apples, pears, beets, cabbages, and pumpkins, followed by questions to check understanding. Additionally, there are exercises in which students make inferences and engage in comparing and contrasting different foods. The overall goal is to help students comprehend the text and learn new vocabulary words related to fall foods.

Pages 42—48: Post-reading strategies.

The section discusses post-reading actions and learning strategies. It focuses on understanding the content using various activities like filling in blanks correctly, retelling the content, asking and answering questions, comparing and contrasting objects, and reflecting on learning. There are tips provided to guide the student through these activities. Additionally, the section includes words to know related to fall produce and a focus question about what is good to eat in the fall. An extension activity is also provided for further learning, highlighting other fall produce like oranges, corn, kiwis, and grapes.


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