Home Plan - [GR1-L2-U1-LC1-29 Wash Your Hands]
This section of the document provides tips and activities for a guided reading lesson aimed at Level 2 learners. It includes goals for introducing lesson essentials, discussing the function of a sink, understanding new words, and comprehension of the text. Different activities involve looking at pictures, reading new words and sample sentences, answering questions, and matching pictures with sentences. The document also addresses the importance of effective reading strategies like connecting to prior knowledge and determining the author’s purpose. There are activities related to making inferences, practicing reading and comprehension skills, and reflecting on the content learned during the lesson. Key vocabulary words such as bathroom, between, fingers, pet, sneeze, and wash are highlighted, along with questions like “When should you wash your hands?” The section concludes with a wrap-up session summarizing the key points learned in the lesson and a note for additional activities if class content is finished early.