Home Plan - [FT-L2-U2-LC1-1 Free Talk – On the Job]

This section of the document discusses a reward system where a student, referred to as “S,” receives rewards for answering questions correctly or following rules related to the topic of jobs. The student is introduced to various job-related vocabulary such as teacher, firefighter, postwoman, etc. The student practices using key vocabulary and sentence frames related to different jobs, transportation methods, and places of work. There are also questions and discussions about parents’ jobs, how they help people, and the student’s future career aspirations. The section includes scenarios of students talking about their family members’ occupations, with questions and prompts aiming to engage the student in conversations about different professions and their importance. The document encourages the student to ask and answer questions, express preferences for future jobs, and reflect on the significance of work and different roles in society.


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